Our creative spaces is for sharing your makings during the course of the week.
It is NOT a place to promote your etsy store or post multiple links. Please only post one link per week.
I've been very relaxed about the multiple links but I will not allow links to etsy stores.
I've just paid for another 12 month membership to the linky guys & I don't want to close our creative spaces but I will if people can't play along in the spirit of the game.
Sorry to get all ranty on you if you're one of the top folk who love it & have always played nice.
Wow Kirst, I haddn't realised that you had to pay for the linky service! I can now totally understand you not wanting etsy stores linked. I have to admit I have put up a couple of blog links occasionally instead of one - sorry about that!
Hope you have a smashing long weekend, with loads of fun to boot.
S xo
Just want to take the opportunity to say thanks so much for this linky. I love seeing all the crafty stuff people are up to and I think it is an awesome idea. :o)
questo spazio è fantastico
ti permette di conoscere tante creative e spero proprio che continui ad esistere
grazie mille di <3
Don't sweat it mate - I just really don't want this space to turn into "buy my stuff".
Completely agree with you - it's not for selling. I really hope people respect it as I love joining in (when I've got something to talk about - unlike the last few weeks!) and would hate to lose it.
I am fairly new here (less than a year) but have made some new blogging friends and found inspiration in this space. So I wanted to say thank you. :)
totally totally agree with you Kirsty, I had no idea you could post multiple links, and didn't know about it ( as i'm not very techo wise) but this has always been a place about sharing not selling.
And i'm a bit horrified you have to pay for this, i think perhaps we should all contribute to it each year regular posters, as you don't even post here that much! xo
Thanks so much for this linky.
completely fair limitation! peeps can have etsy links on their own blogs (bandwidth!) :o) love this site to find inspiration and fun blogs!
Thanks for the Public Service Announcement Kirsty! I'd been disappointed to see Etsy links creeping in and was going to ask your permission to express this disappointment to the relevant parties direct!
Thank you so much for continuing to support the crafty community the way you do - I hope that the linky thing doesn't cost too much (happy to contribute if it does...)
Hola. Gracias a nuestros espacios creativos he conocido blogs de muchas partes del mundo y también ven mis cosas. Gracias Kirsty.
Thank you for the site. I've enjoyed posting and looking at other's creative ideas and projects!
Sorry if I've posted more than one link in the past, but I really do make that much stuff in a week. :)
i didnt know you had to pay for it!! i new to the whole thing. its only my second time posting a link and i really want to thank you for the opportunity. ive found most of my now favorite blogs through this page and i hope some people will find me. thanks again!!!
Thanks for providing this fun, creative space, Kirsty! Really appreciate it :)
Hello Kirsty... I never realised that you had to pay for linky :(.... I just wanted to pop in and say a big thanx for having this space for us all to join and show our wee creative side and a place I am always inspired by.. I hope you have a ace weekend and I hope to have a creative one to share next week!! x
Good for you, i didn't realise either, hwo easy is it to just play nice?? Some people are just sell-their-souls types, such a shame, it's craft & need not be desperate & anything other than pretty. Love Posie
I have been posting for almost a year here, and just want to echo my thanks for providing the space. It really is one of my favourite places to find inspiration:) Cyndy
I don't think you were being ranty at all!!! I think the people who were adding there business links were losing out in the end because it was just plain annoying and I'm sure people wouldn't go back to there site!! Idiots!
Thank you so much for hosting our creative space! it's such a great thing to be apart of xxx
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